属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-维基百科集资 Wikipedia’s Fund-r
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-绿色乱局 Tangled Up in Green Ta
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 甲骨文状告谷歌侵权 美联储呼吁再推刺激措施
1 | 加重;加剧;使恶化使变得更坏或更麻烦 | To make worse or more troublesome. | |
2 | ||1:.而更糟糕的是,这部影片激起了一阵狂潮,矛头直指管理层。||2:一位招聘人员OfficeTeam提醒人们要警惕“恶老板综合症”对员工士气造成的严重影响。||3:美国的一项调查发现,46%的雇员都曾在职业生涯中遇到过不近乎人情的老板。||4: 批评家Nell Minow表示,该影片反映了“后衰退时代的痛苦”。 | ||1: To make matters worse, the film has inspired a torrent of management drivel. ||2: OfficeTeam, a recruiter, warns of “Horrible Boss Syndrome”, which “can have serious implications” for morale. ||3: An American survey finds that 46% of employees have worked for an unreasonable boss at some point. ||4: Nell Minow, a critic, says the film reflects “the bitterness of the post-meltdown era” | |
3 | ||1:不过,比起让人们奉献时间来编辑百科,让人们捐钱以维持其运行比更容易。||2:2006年,英语维基百科文章月环比增长为5%。但过去的两年里,这一数据却一直保持在1%。||3:更糟的是,维基百科担心如果没有纠正环节,到明年年中,活跃编辑的数量将下降到80000(今年三月时是90000)。 | ||1:But raising cash to keep Wikipedia running is an easier task than getting people to donate time.||2:Month-on-month article growth in the English Wikipedia was as high as 5% in 2006 but has stayed stubbornly at 1% for the past two years.||3:Worse, Wikipedia fears that without remedial steps, the number of active editors will decline to below 80,000 by the middle of next year (in March, the figure was 90,000). | |
4 | ||1:更糟糕的是,官僚主义和法院让这些政策在不可预知和不确定的情况下进行修改和制定。||2:这些污染控制政策让企业付出了更多的成本使这个行业的风险大大提高,更不用说那些新建的发电站了。||3:一家大型能源企业PSEG的老板拉尔夫?伊佐介绍说,他的公司在90年代因天然气发电厂的建设中损失了数百万美元,部分原因在于他们最初过高估计了环保总署的标准制定,使他们的大量投入到最后证明并不需要那么多。 | ||1:Perhaps even worse, from the utilities’ point of view, is the unpredictable and inconclusive manner in which rules are proposed, modified, rescinded and reinstated by the bureaucracy and the courts.||2:This can make investment in pollution-control gear, let alone new power plants, an especially risky business.||3:Ralph Izzo, the boss of PSEG, a big power-provider, describes how his firm lost millions in the 1990s building natural-gas plants that were not in the end needed, in part because some of the EPA’s standards ended up more lenient than originally anticipated. | |
5 | ||1:美国去年掀起了一波社会保守主义热潮。||2:据说这些社会议题,会激发美国人在投票时,割舍自己的经济利益:一名厂工投票支持了一位反对堕胎的共和党人;作为回报,他得到的是反工会法律。||3:去年这个老生常谈的话题的局面得到了扭转。||4:2010年,美国人支持经济紧缩政策;2011年他们得到限制堕胎法。||5:对于反对堕胎的人来说,这是几十年来最高兴的一年。||6:对于巴拉克.奥巴马而言,让他头疼的堕胎议题,看上去又要“强势回归”了。 | ||1:Last year saw a surge in social conservatism.||2:It has been said that social issues inspire Americans to vote against their economic interests: a factory worker elects an anti-abortion Republican; in return he gets anti-union laws.||3:Last year the adage was reversed.||4:In 2010 Americans voted for economic austerity; in 2011 they got abortion restrictions.||5:For those who oppose abortion, it was the most promising year in decades.||6:For Barack Obama, it was a headache that looks set to grow worse. | |
6 | ||1:美联储主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔(Jerome Powell)再次呼吁采取更多的财政刺激措施。||2:他直言,支持美国经济的政策干预风险是不对称的:提供太少的帮助反而比提供太多的帮助更为糟糕。||3:特朗普表示,在大选结束后,他才会实施经济刺激计划。||4:9月份,雇主们创造了66.1万个工作岗位,这一数字远低于前四个月的数字。当时随着封锁令的逐渐放开,企业开始重新招聘。 | ||1:Jerome Powell, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, once again called for more fiscal stimulus measures.||2:He described the policy risks of supporting the American economy as asymmetric: providing too little help will be worse than providing too much.||3:Donald Trump said he would not agree to a stimulus package until after the election.||4:Employers created 661,000 jobs in September, a much smaller number than in each of the previous four months, when firms rehired as lockdowns eased. |